First massage?
Here are some things to know before your first session.
Fill out the Massage Therapy Consent Form (found below) prior to scheduled appointment.
Draping is always used during each session, unless session is Shiatsu/Chair Massage (fully clothed). Only one section of the body will be undraped at a time and only while the area is being worked (i.e. the back, one leg, arms, etc.)
After therapist leaves the room, you may undress to your comfort level. It is best to remove everything (included jewelry), anything left on will be a boundary and may not be worked on.
If applicable, bring a hair tie so hair can be off your neck and back while the therapist works.
Shower prior to appointment so the lotion/oils applied can be best absorbed into the skin. A shower also begins the relaxation process!
Avoid eating a large meal right before the massage - it won’t be as comfortable to lie on your stomach or have too much pressure applied.
While sometimes massage can be uncomfortable in a painful area, let the therapist know if it becomes too painful. If the massage ends up just being painful the whole time, it ends up defeating the purpose of getting the massage. When working the more tender/sore areas, it should hurt a little but also feel good.
Remember massage isn’t a “one and done” type of treatment. Sometimes the areas that are problematic have been building up for a while, it will take some time to work through the effects of living life!